346 research outputs found

    Timely intervention, monitoring and education MATTERS in MS (TIME MATTERS in MS): Development of a globally applicable quality improvement tool.

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    Background: Previously, consensus MS care standards were defined by MS specialist neurologists from 19 countries. We developed, piloted and refined an Excel-based quality improvement tool to enable MS services to benchmark against these standards. Here, we examine the refined tool. Objective: To determine the applicability of the quality improvement tool in different healthcare settings. Methods: MS centres across the globe were invited to pilot the quality improvement tool by coding the medical records of 36 adults with MS. We invited feedback on user friendliness, quality improvement tool usefulness and relevance of data collected. Results: Seventeen centres from 14 countries participated; 14 completed the post-service evaluation survey. Over 50% of responders rated the tool 'very easy' or 'easy' to use and 'very relevant' to their service. Almost 85% of responders (11/13) planned to introduce changes to their service, including improvements in documentation, communication, interactions with colleagues and referrals; 85% would use a future shorter version of the tool. Conclusions: The quality improvement tool can enable MS centres globally to benchmark their services. Widespread uptake of a shorter tool may help MS centres to work towards achieving consensus standards for brain health-focused care. Incorporation into routine clinical practice would drive adoption

    Удаление аммиака из водных растворов с использованием цеолитов

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    Объектом исследования являются природные и модифицированные цеолиты Чугуевского, Шивыртуйского, Холинского и Сокирницкого месторождений с различным гранулометрическим составом. Цель работы – изучение процесса сорбции, основанного на применении природного и модифицированного цеолита, для удаления аммиака и ионов аммония. В процессе исследования проводились эксперименты на выявление сорбционной способности природных и модифицированных цеолитов к аммиаку и ионам аммония в водных растворах, сравнение эффективности очистки воды данными цеолитами. В результате исследования был выбран цеолит, имеющий наибольший коэффициент извлечения аммиака и ионов аммония из водных растворов и предложена дополнительная стадия очистки воды для аппаратурно-технологической схемы умягчения подземных вод с использованием генератора микропузырьковой обработки и гидроксида аммония. Область применения: цеолитный фильтр может быть использован в установках водоподготовки для местного водоснабжения. Предложенный способ очистки воды является экономически выгодным ввиду маленькой себестоимости сорбента, простоты эксплуатации, регенерации и утилизации использованного материала.Object of research are natural and modified zeolites Chuguev, Chivyrkuyskogo, of Mine and of Sokyrnytsya deposits of different granulometric composition. The aim of this work is the study of the sorption process based on the use of natural and modified zeolite for removing ammonia and ammonium ions. During the study, experiments were conducted to identify the sorption capacity of natural and modified zeolites to ammonia and ammonium ions in aqueous solutions, comparison of effectiveness of water treatment, these zeolites. The study was selected zeolite that has the highest recovery rate of ammonia and ammonium ions from aqueous solutions and proposed an additional stage of purification of water for the equipment-technological scheme of softening of underground waters with the use of a microbubble generator treatment and ammonium hydroxide. Applications: zeolite filter can be used in water treatment plants for local water supply. The proposed method of water treatment is economically advantageous due to the small cost of the sorbent, ease of operation, regeneration and disposal of used material

    Targeting lyn kinase in chorea-acanthocytosis: A translational treatment approach in a rare disease

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    Background: Chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in the VPS13A gene. It is characterized by several neurological symptoms and the appearance of acanthocytes. Elevated tyrosine kinase Lyn activity has been recently identified as one of the key pathophysiological mechanisms in this disease, and therefore represents a promising drug target. Methods: We evaluated an individual off-label treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib (100 mg/d, 25.8–50.4 weeks) of three ChAc patients. Alongside thorough safety monitoring, we assessed motor and non-motor scales (e.g., MDS-UPDRS, UHDRS, quality of life) as well as routine and experimental laboratory parameters (e.g., serum neurofilament, Lyn kinase activity, actin cytoskeleton in red blood cells). Results: Dasatinib appeared to be reasonably safe. The clinical parameters remained stable without significant improvement or deterioration. Regain of deep tendon reflexes was observed in one patient. Creatine kinase, serum neurofilament levels, and acanthocyte count did not reveal consistent effects. However, a reduction of initially elevated Lyn kinase activity and accumulated autophagy markers, as well as a partial restoration of the actin cytoskeleton, was found in red blood cells. Conclusions: We report on the first treatment approach with disease-modifying intention in ChAc. The experimental parameters indicate target engagement in red blood cells, while clinical effects on the central nervous system could not be proven within a rather short treatment time. Limited knowledge on the natural history of ChAc and the lack of appropriate biomarkers remain major barriers for “clinical trial readiness”. We suggest a panel of outcome parameters for future clinical trials in ChA